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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • If the article is selected for publication, the authors commit to performing at least one double-blind review for Revista INVI.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which appear in About the Journal.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it being considered by any other journal (or an explanation has been provided in the Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  • Where available, DOIs or URLs are provided for the references.

Author Guidelines

Papers submitted to Revista INVI should comply with the following editing criteria; otherwise, they may be rejected:

1. Papers submitted should be original. Previously published papers will not be accepted. Papers should not reproduce the content of previously published papers, either partially or fully, even if published in other languages. Revista INVI review process includes the use of Turnitin, after the manuscript reception and before sending to peer review.

2 Authors:
a) In order to be correctly registered on our website, the names of authors and their order of appearance should be carefully reviewed before the submission of papers. Inclusion, deletion, or rearrangement of author names must be made before acceptance and only if authorized by the Editor. Once accepted, papers could not be modified.
b) The manuscript name, content, and supplementary materials (figures) should not include any reference to the identity of the authors or their affiliation.
c) All authors must provide their ORCID code to unequivocally identify them. The author's profile on ORCID must be up-to-date and in public access mode.
d) In order to contribute to the transparency of scholarly communication, authors must use the CRediT taxonomy (Contributor Roles Taxonomy) to recognize the specific contribution of each author in the manuscript. This information must be included at the end of the cover letter.

3. All submissions must include a cover letter indicating how the manuscript fits into the journal editorial line and emphasizing its novelty and relevant aspects. Please use this sample cover letter.

4. Written files should be submitted in text format (doc, docx, or rtf) in Spanish, English, or Portuguese at Manuscripts should range from 6,000 to 8,000 words. Texts should meet the following criteria

  • letter size,
  • margins should be set at 2.5 cm, double space
  • pages should be numbered at the bottom right of the page
  • paragraph format: Times New Roman, font size 12, justified.

5. Titles and subtitles should not exceed 14 words; abstracts should include at least the research issue, methodology, and main findings in no more than 200 words; three to five keywords must be provided.

6. Structure: Papers should include:

  • a) introduction and presentation of the study,
  • b) problem and state-of-the-art description
  • c) methodology,
  • d) findings,
  • e) conclusions and
  • f) bibliographic references.

Authors should refer to the paper template.

7. In-text citations should follow the author-date style, including page number. Footnotes should only be used when absolutely necessary. Manuscripts should contain all essential information for the arguments in the body of the text, avoiding the use of footnotes.

8. Local terms, acronyms, values, etc. should be described and/or explained in order to allow foreign readers to understand the origin and problems discussed in the manuscript.

9. Quotes: Manuscripts may include direct citations from other authors; these should not exceed 10 percent of the written work. Quotations longer than three lines (or more than 40 words) should be written in a freestanding block of text, with single spacing, indented. Textual quotations should be used only when necessary. Quotations from other languages may be translated into Spanish. However, entries on the reference list should not be translated.

10. Manuscript origin and affiliation: The information entered in the affiliation section of our website should only include the institution where the research was carried out; do not include a second institution in your academic biography. Use “Supporting Agencies” section to indicate if research was funded by a specific institution. Additionally, please include a note indicating the origin of the research; if the study is part of a research project, include the name of the project, code, funding institutions, and when the research was conducted. If the manuscript is part of a postgraduate project, please include a note indicating the final degree, university, and years of study.

11. Graphics: Up to 10 graphics may be included; these include diagrams, sketches, illustrations, maps, plans, drawings, and pictures, amongst others. Graphics should be perfectly sharp and relevant to the content of the manuscript; those that are not mentioned throughout the text should not be included. Graphics with text should be submitted in a format that allows modifications.

  • All graphic material should be included in the text file.
  • Each graphic should also be submitted as a complementary file to our website with a minimum resolution of 250 dpi in tiff or jpg format.
  • Each graphic should be numbered consecutively, have a title, and include its source.
  • In case the authors do not hold the copyright of the graphics, written proof of authorization from original authors or editors should be presented, indicating permission to use the graphics. Otherwise, Revista INVI will not publish such content.

12. Tables: Up to 5 tables may be included; these include tables, charts, and graphics.

  • Tables should be included in text format and added to the main body of the paper and should not be submitted independently or in graphic format.

13. Multimedia files: Up to 5 multimedia files may be included; these include videos or audio recordings. Multimedia files should be unpublished and illustrate the content of the manuscript. Authors may submit time-lapse videos, interviews, research graphic animations, general shots of cities, towns, housing complexes, etc.; audio files containing key moments of interviews, or soundscapes of a specific place. Videos must be recorded in HD (YouTube compatible) as .MPEG4 (mp4) format and should not last longer than 5 minutes. Multimedia files may also be submitted on .MOV, .AVI, .WMV, .MPEGPS, .FLV, 3GPP, WebM format. Audio files should preferably be submitted as .MP3 format and should not last longer than 5 minutes. The following is an example of multimedia files.

14. Revista INVI will not accept papers submitted by authors published within the last twelve months.

15. Rejected papers could not be resubmitted for evaluation.


Bibliographic References

Bibliographic references should be presented following APA (American Psychological Association) version 7 style.

The reference list should only contain the bibliographic references cited throughout the text or in sources of graphic materials. References not cited in the manuscript will be eliminated. The list should be arranged in alphabetical order according to the last name of the authors. For several works by the same author, they should be arranged in reverse chronological order (from oldest to most recent).

Findings from unpublished research and personal communications should not be included in this list; however, they may be mentioned throughout the text.

References to papers that have already been published online should include the exact URL of the website where the information cited is available; for scientific papers, DOI address must be included.

Authors should verify the current state of online resources. When referring to electronic documents, links should immediately refer to the online resource.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.