This paper studies two aspects of the writing of the colombian author Josefa Acevedo de Gómez (1803-1861). The first aspect is the desire to write appeared in Acevedo ́s childhood and her conflicts with the model of Republican Women, which is socially subjugated. The second aspect is the strategy of legitimizing her literary work, which are based on its interference in political issues. Finally this text shows how Acevedo de Gómez uses strategically the conditions of her time, concerning the female, and she appears on the political scene.
Josefa Acevedo de Gómez, Colombian Literature of the 19th century, women’s writing
Agudelo Ochoa, A. M. (2014). Josefa Acevedo de Gómez: del deseo de escritura a los procesos de legitimación de la escritora en Colombia durante el siglo XIX. Revista Chilena De Literatura, (86). Retrieved from
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