Apolitical ethos and worldlessnes Arendt-Heidegger


  • Marcos García de la Huerta Universidad de Chile


Heidegger never calls politics by its name; he always writes the word "politics" in quotes because he thinks it lacks truth. His compromise with National-socialism is consistent with his philosophical ideas, mainly the ones concerning historicity, resolution and fate (Being and Time, II, 4). Does this mean that politics, lacking an essence, acquires an "internal truth" Is there a truly Nazi philosophy? Arendt's response to the aversion against politics that she observes in most philosophers is replicated by her reserve with respect to philosophy, especially towards political philosophy. The relation of Arendt to Heidegger goes through an awakening from her political slumber and her experience of world loss. This essay analyses their relationship in light of the tension between philosophy and politics, and seeks to answer these questions and paradoxes by means of the ideas of wordlessness (Unweltlichkeit) and the a-political.


world, worldlessness, apolitical, Arendt, Heidegger