La política de la transferencia internacional de tecnología en América Latina


  • Óscar Plaza


This work is a study of international technology transfer policies in Latin American countries. It shows the need to have new technological developments and economic policy changes as a frame of reference to understand the evolution of thought about international technology transfer in the region and the consequent design and redesign of policies in this regard. We hold the thesis that, paradoxically, these policies have been simultaneously successful and frustrating and that, in terms of political technology, international technology transfer plays an important role in the social stability of the future. In this way, the historical evolution of thought and international technology transfer policies in Latin America is examined, as well as the design, implementation and institutional results of the respective policies.


Latin America, International Technology Transfers, National Policies, Science and Technology, Development

Author Biography

Óscar Plaza

Doctor en estudios internacionales con especialización en asuntos tecnológicos;  actualmente se desempeña como profesor visitante en el Instituto de Estudios Internacionales de la Universidad de Chile y profesor de gestión tecnológica en la Universidad Washburn de Topeka, Kansas, Estados Unidos.