Cuba y América Latina y el Caribe : apuntes sobre un caso de inserción económica


  • Pedro Monreal González


1991 proved the need for a radical restructuring of the Cuban socialist model. The seriousness of the situation has prompted a search for a new model. This paper points out some basic issues and key questions related to the challenges and opportunities that are presented to Cuba, and that will inevitably be faced by the institutions that formulate the country's foreign policy. Among the fundamental issues are: the basic problems of Cuba's insertion into the world economy; the economic relations of Cuba with Latin America and the Caribbean and the perspectives of the insertion and the foreign Policy of Cuba towards the region. We maintain that the basic challenge that the restructuring of the international economy poses to Cuba is to maintain control over the determining factors of its economic and social development, under conditions in which the growth of relations with the world market is inevitable.


Cuba, Latin America and the Caribbean, Economic Insertion, Foreign Policy, Foreign Trade

Author Biography

Pedro Monreal González

Cubano, investigador del Centro de Estudios sobre América, La Habana, Cuba, y coautor de Estados Unidos y la economía internacional, (La Habana, Cuba: Editorial de las Ciencias Sociales, 1988). Es también autor y coautor de múltiples artículos y capítulos de libros. En 1990, fue profesor vistante en el Kellog Institute for International Studies.