Las relaciones externas de América Latina en 1985


  • Abraham F. Lowenthal


In early 1986, there is an opportunity to improve relations between the US and Latin America, but it may be short-lived. Political leaders in most of the countries of Latin America are implementing pragmatic and moderate foreign and economic policies that are compatible with long-term US interests and are willing to cooperate with Washington. They may, however, be forced to change their approach if they are unable to provide some relief from the distressing economic problems facing the region. Washington has yet to take decisive action to ease Latin America's debt burden. We maintain that if the current opportunity to work for Inter-American cooperation is not taken advantage of, the economic and social crisis in Latin America will probably worsen.


Latin America, United States, Inter-American Relations, Democratization, External Debt

Author Biography

Abraham F. Lowenthal

Director del Programa Latinoamericano del Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. Autor de diversos libros sobre política latinoamericana.