¿Pueden prosperar los países ricos sin que progresen los países pobres?


  • John Williamson Sewell Overseas Development Council, Washington


There are four economic problems raised by policymakers today when they study how to build a win-win world economy. The first is how to restore growth and progress in the industrialized countries. The second one is how to accommodate the surpluses of the oil-exporting countries. The third is how to help middle-income developing countries regain the growth rate achieved in the 1960s. The fourth and final problem is posed by the bleak development prospects of the poorest countries, facing continued stagnation. We argue that it is necessary to consider that policies that are of mutual benefit to both industrialized and developing countries will have increasing importance for all and that it is necessary to project the current economic order so that it operates more fruitfully in the service of both the North and the South.


Global interdependence, New Economic Order, Development, Cooperation, North-South relations

Author Biography

John Williamson Sewell, Overseas Development Council, Washington

Director de Overseas Development  Council de Washington y frecuente editor de "Agenda for Action", que publica periódicamente dicha institución.