Francia y la segunda guerra del Vietnam


  • Philippe Devillers


Faced with the problem of Vietnam, for more than six years France has adopted an attitude and a policy that is increasingly divergent from that assumed by the United States. Numerous misunderstandings, fanciful interpretations, and even gross distortions have embraced the various manifestations of French policy regarding Indochina. This is why it seems important and useful to us to explain in detail, how France has become interested again in Indochina, why it disagrees with the policy followed by the United States in this region and why it proposes a reasonable and peaceful solution based on the neutrality of the Indochinese States.


Vietnam War, Indochina, France, United States, Southeast Asia

Author Biography

Philippe Devillers

Es un historiador y escritor francés, que vivió en Vietnam durante la primera guerra de Indochina. Sus Histoire du Viet-Nam de 1940 à 1952 (Paris, Le Seuil, 1952) y La fin d'une guerre: lndochine 1954 (Paris, Le Seuil, 1960), escrito con Jean Lacouture, son considerados como textos fundamentales por todos los especialistas en el sudeste asiático. Es actualmente también editor de la revista France-Asie, Paris.