Feminist international relations: silences, dialogues and absences



Throughout the past three decades, feminist debates have animated the discipline of International Relations, breaking old silences whilst establishing dialogues with the mainstream. However, in spite of the efforts to integrate themselves with the discipline and a rich theoretical and empirical literature, feminisms are still on the margins of IR vis-à-vis the traditional forms of knowledge production. In this context, I propose the following research question: To what extent do feminist approaches to international relations constitute an area integrated into the discipline of IR, considering its silences, dialogues and absences? I analyse the silences, dialogues and absences that characterise an unfinished integration process in a discipline that strives to be global, but which hardly accepts the epistemological and methodological contributions of feminism.


Feminist IR, gender and IR, theory of IR, hierarchies of knowledge, epistemology and methodology of IR

Author Biography

Enzo Lenine, Universidade da Integração Internacional da Lusofonia Afro-Brasileira

Doctor en Ciencia Política. Profesor de Ciencia Política Facultad de Filosofía y Ciencias Humanas, Universidad Federal de la Bahia (Universidade Federal da Bahia)


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