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And after CO2, What?: A review of the social construction of climate change


  • Armando Páez García Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


The evolution of the climate change discourse it is presented through a review of the scientifically literature. In the first section presents articles that relate to the disclosure of anthropogenic global warming theory, highlighting what was said by Al Gore, american politician, environmentalist and businessman whose leadership has given the way it deals with the problem. The second section outlines questions to this theory. Later presents a discourse analysis and an explanation of the phenomenon of climate change as a social construct considering the concepts of scientific revolution and episteme, this last concept is analyzed to know their relationship with environmentalism. It concludes by noting the need to open the debate to reduce the uncertainties.


Climate change, anthropogenic global warming, environmentalism, social construct, scientific revolution

Author Biography

Armando Páez García, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Arquitecto y Doctor en Urbanismo, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México