This article describes and analyzes, from a critical perspective, the historical development of the Chilean labor law during the last century. Begins the author, taking charge of the fi rst social laws in Chile (with or without labor content), focusing on political and social context in which they were issued. Continues its historical development with the ideologies that have clashed in the fi eld of labor law since the second half of the twentieth century, the role of State, market and modern production methods that have to fi nd recognition in the law. Culminates with a study of the dogmatic labor law doctrine and its preponderant role in the opinions of the Department of Labor.
Social security, Chilean constitution, Pension Reform, individual capitalization, subsidiarity, solidarity
Author Biography
Luis Lizama Portal, Universidad de Chile
Abogado y Magíster en Derecho, Universidad de Chile. Profesor de Derecho del Trabajo en la misma universidad.
Lizama Portal, L. (2016). El Derecho del Trabajo chileno durante el Siglo XX. Revista Chilena De Derecho Del Trabajo Y De La Seguridad Social, 2(4), pp. 109–142.