The author expose on the treatment given by the jurisprudence, to the grounds of business needs in the termination system of the employment contract. From an analysis involving a technical study and history of law, among others, he concludes that the reception
of such grounds in the jurisprudence has turned ineffective, because the exceptionally narrow
interpretation of it.
Termination of the employment contract, bussiness needs, labor law, history of law, jurisprudence
Author Biography
Mario Varas Castillo, Universidad Católica del Norte
Abogado, Universidad de Chile. Profesor de Derecho del Trabajo de la Universidad Católica del Norte, Sede Antofagasta.
Varas Castillo, M. (2016). Pérdida de eficacia de la causal de necesidades de la empresa en el sistema de terminación del contrato de trabajo. Revista Chilena De Derecho Del Trabajo Y De La Seguridad Social, 2(3), pp. 79–95.