Mediation: Resolution 174 of the Superior Council of Justice of Work and labor disputes


  • Fabiana Marion Spengler Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul, Brasil


The present text has the mediative practices in the labor disputes as the central theme, questioning: the mediation provided in Resolution 174 of the Superior Council of Labor Justice (CSJT) is a viable and adequate way to resolve labor disputes? The positive hypothesis proposed confirms the importance and applicability of media-tion in the treatment of labor disputes but disagrees with the approach and prediction of use under the Resolution 174, since it is a procedure performed / supervised by a magistrate or other servant of the Justice System, similar and without differentiation of conciliation procedure. At the end, the conclusions of the text confirm the hypothesis. Thus, the objectives of the research are: a) to analyze mediation based on Resolution 174 of the CSJT, as a way to resolve labor disputes; B) investigate whether the proposal of mediation by a magistrate serves the basics of mediation. In order to fulfill the objectives the method of approach used was the deductive and, as method of procedure, the monographic one.


Labor dispute, process, mediation, conciliation.

Biografia do Autor

Fabiana Marion Spengler, Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul, Brasil

Fabiana Marion Spengler é pós-doutorada em Direito pela Università degli tudi di Roma Tre, na Itália. Doutor em Direito pela Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Si-nos, Brasil. Mestre em Desenvolvimento Regional pela Universidade de Santa Cruz do  Sul  (UNISC),  no  Brasil.  Professor  dos  cursos  de  graduação  e  pós-graduação  da  UNISC lato e stricto sensu. Coordenador do Grupo de Pesquisa «Políticas Públicas que  Não  Tratam  Dois  Conflitos»,  vinculado  ao  CNPq  (Conselho  Nacional  de  Des-envolvimento  Científico  e  Tecnológico  do  Brasil).  Autor  de  vários  livros  e  artigos  científicos. Correio eletrônico: